6 Steps To Accomplishing And Setting Your Drumming Aims

Kerry Jacobson

Written by Kerry Jacobson We have all heard about goals before? We've discovered the 1979 Harvard study which showed only 3 percent of their MBA graduates had written down their objectives, and that they earned 10 times more income than those who didn't have goals at all, and earned double the amount of those who had targets but never wrote down them.

That is true with your drumming victory ! Having clearly defined objectives and goals is the fastest and easiest.

1) Determine Your Vision

This really is the most important step. If you don't understand what you want, how are you going to get it?

Just take some time to actually figure this out, and also have fun with it. What do you wish to create for your daily experience? As soon as you do this, it will become a lot more clear what kind of drum profession you truly want.

Write down what you would like your life as a whole to look like, and also the drumming abilities and experiences you desire. What kind of drummer do you want to be? Would you prefer to perform grooves? The wildest fills? Be the quickest, most flexible? Whatever you crave, make it your focus as you practice.

2) Make A Choice

This is important on many levels. Making an actual decision informs your subconscious mind which you are serious and committed. The ball immediately gets rolling, As soon as a decision is made by you. This doesn't signify that challenges will not arise, or that your path will not take turns, but it means you are to getting whatever you put your mind to, whatever your vision is devoted.

Technically speaking, if you decide that you're going to be the best drummer on the planet, you are setting yourself up for failure. Since it is a matter of opinion, There's absolutely no real method to quantify this. If, however, you decide you will have the ability to play with any chart set in front of you, or perform with a double paradiddle as a fill at 160 bpms as note triplets, this is quantifiable and accessible.

3) Require Action

This is. As they learn to play the drums, but never take the necessary action to accomplish them, they come up with all these strategies and goals.

We could become fearful. But the truth is we have to act motivation follows. You understand the Saying do it!â$ daily, do one action that can directly bring you closer to your objectives. Rome was not built in a day. Brick by brick, my buddy.

4) Quantify /Track

Keep track. This is frequently overlooked, but imperative to success. A drum teacher's whole task is to keep tabs on your progress, provide your goals to enhance, when attained and to celebrate those benchmarks.

Keeping track look time-consuming at first and can be overwhelming, but I assure you, it is going to save time in the long term. You will be 100% more focussed, and your clinic time will be cut in half! You will advance 10 times faster and feel more accomplished since you'll really understand exactly what you've done for two or the last hour.

Give yourself time to adjust and get used for this process, but do not overlook its importance. All successful individuals in every area of life â$" be it sports, music, or company -are extremely careful not to waste any moment, and they track and measure everything. It's as important to drumming achievement.

5) Set Benchmarks

Big goals are great and necessary, but then it's easy to throw in the towel when the going gets tough, if we don't have benchmarks that are smaller. I like to set five-year goals, one-year objectives, monthly goals, and weekly goals. This makes it a lot easier to figure out what little steps to take to become big results.

Giving yourself benchmarks makes success enjoyable and more viable. Decide on some rewards for attaining your benchmarks you will give yourself. They can be little or big, but always celebrate each and every achievement.

6) Adjust

It's time to enjoy your successes. Take time to look back on your own progress. It may seem difficult to believe it was a struggle at all when we reach something we've been working on.

As soon as you accomplish your goals, it's time.

Thanks for investing your time in reading this article. I invite you to provide these measures a try if you are not already -I understand that you will see results when you're doing. And remember: they aren't something to do then forget. They are tools to work with everyday, in every area of life, for as long as you want to grow and succeed.